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  1. Вот здесь хорошо написано, не знаю правда, продолжительность резидентуры для нейрохирургии, но будьте уверены, она максимальна, в Штатах это 7 лет, вряд ли в Канаде меньше. You can start the licensure process from outside Canada by: 1. Confirming that your medical degree is from a recognized medical school. 2. Taking an online self-assessment exam. 3. Submitting your credentials with the Medical Council of Canada’s (MCC) Physician Credentials Repository. 4. Taking the Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination (MCCEE). Most health care organizations refer to physicians who have received their medical education abroad as International Medical Graduates (IMG). 1. Confirm that your medical degree is from a recognized medical school Visit the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research’s (FAIMER) website. Your medical school, the name of the medical degree and the year of your graduation must be listed on the FAIMER International Medical Education Directory to be accepted in Canada. 2. Are you exam ready? IMGs can test their readiness for the Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination (MCCEE) through the Medical Council of Canada Self Administered Evaluating Examination (SAE-EE). IMGs who take the SAEE will receive the number of questions correctly answered as well as a percentile table that compares their performance to the results achieved by other MCCEE candidates. • Fees: C$60 per examination 3. Submit your credentials IMGs can use the MCC’s Physician Credentials Repository to establish a confidential professional electronic portfolio of their credentials prior to arriving in Canada. IMGs can request that the Repository share their portfolio with provincial/territorial medical regulatory authorities, certifying and qualifying bodies. The MCC requires IMGs who are applying for the first time to the MCCEE to open an application with the Physician Credentials Repository and send a certified copy of their final medical diploma. The diploma must be successfully source verified through the Repository for the candidate to be eligible to the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part II. • Fees: To open a Repository account, IMGs are charged a one-time account fee of C$250. C$100 is charged for each of the first four medical documents submitted for source verification. C$60 is charged for each subsequent document. Note: Document fees are in addition to the account fee. 4. Take the Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination (MCCEE) IMGs must pass the MCCEE to apply for a residency position through the Canadian Resident Matching Service. The MCCEE is offered in 500 sites in more than 70 countries. For a list of countries where the MCCEE is offered please visit the MCC website. If IMGs have obtained Canadian or American board specialty certification, they may apply to the Medical Council of Canada for an exemption from the MCCEE. • Fees: First-time MCCEE candidates are charged C$1,500; C$1,300 is charged for IMGs who reapply for the MCCEE. Note: The MCC requires all first-time MCCEE candidates to open an application with the MCC’s Physician Credentials Repository and send a certified copy of their medical diploma. Required exams available once in Canada IMGs are required to pass the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part I and Part II (additional fees apply). Candidates may also take a self-assessment exam to help prepare for the multiple-choice component of the MCCQE Part I. This self-assessment is offered over the Internet and can be completed prior to arriving in Canada. The MCCQE Part I and the MCCQE Part II are administered in Canada and are the same requirements for graduates from Canadian faculties of medicine. All jurisdictions also require a minimum of two years of postgraduate training for licensure. When IMGs pass the MCCQE Part II, they are awarded the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada. The Licentiate is one of the prerequisites of provincial and territorial medical regulatory authorities for awarding independent practise licences.
  2. Есть масса сайтов, где достаточно подробно все описано. В общем-то процесс сходный с аналогичным в США, сертификация диплома, экзамены, резидентура, лицензия. По поводу экзаменов написано много, поступление в резидентуру: http://www.carms.ca/eng/r1_eligibility_prov_e.shtml.и Попутно позвольте вопрос: а что такое международный диплом? Не встречал не только международного диплома, но и лицензии что в Штатах, что в Канаде в каждом штате, провинции и территории свои, как для местных, так и для IMG. В любом случае начинается все отсюда: http://www.mcc.ca/en/. Работайте с первоисточником.
  3. Спасибо за исчерпывающую информацию. Надо увольняться и искать работу в доме престарелых или детском садуjavascript:void(0);
  4. If an approved business offers the worker permanent employment, after a minimum of 6 months employment the worker may apply to the SINP for permanent resident status. Означает ли это, что надо подписывать с работодателем контракт на постоянную работу? А если после 6 месяцев я захочу уйти на другую работу?
  5. т.е. медицинский работник. Мышь глючит, не успел дописать, а уже ушло с одного нечаянного клика
  6. Кто что знает об этом пилотном проекте? Поделитесь информацией.
  7. Т.е. work experience must be in a field or occupation similar to what you will do as a live-in caregiver. Насколько я могу судить то similar occupation это медицина или педагогика. Т.е. если я медицинский, то мне нужно представить документы, что за последние три года я как минимум 1 год работал в медицине? и 6 месяцев у одного работодателя. Никаких курсов проходить не надо?
  8. Смотрел объявления о работе на Job bank и везде требуют First Aid Certificate. Кто знает, где его взять?
  9. А по какому классу после 2-х лет оформлять Permanent residency? Canadian Experience Class? Туда необходимо: skilled work experience means: * Skill Type 0 (managerial occupations) or * Skill Level A (professional occupations) or * Skill Level B (technical occupations and skilled trades) А эта профессия относится к Skill Level B? NOC что-то не очень понятно написано, а именно: "second digit of the NOC code represents the Skill Level of an occupation". NOC code профессии 6474, а от 4 до 5 согласно табличке это Skill Level С. Как же тогда подавать на Permanent residency?
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