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Posts posted by Fekla

  1. Нашла в просторах сети. Автор - иммиграционный адвокат Ник Норани

    1) Learn English

    Many new immigrants speak English but they need to perfect their English to be well understand by English speaking Canadians and to excel the Canadian workplace. Although one may speak English in his/her native country, it may not be at the same level as Canada. Be open to do what you can to improve your English Speaking skills - take upgrading courses, join Toastmasters, listen to English speaking talk stations including CBC radio and watch English news. Make friends with English speaking people and try to speak as much as possible.

    2) Stay Positive

    Coming to Canada and finding work and integrating into a new society can be very challenging. The people who stay positive and look upon their new experiences in a positive light and a new adventure will be in a better situation. You will come across negative people in Canada as there are in every country - for every negative person you have in your life, you need to add a positive person. Surround yourself with positive people - there are many naysayers. These people are not going to help you. The positive people will help your attitude and your outlook.


    Embrace Canada

    You have made a big move to come to Canada - be a part of your new country and know as much as you can about it - whether it be news, sports or politics. This is your country now. Get involved in your community in Canada. Know about your sports teams - whether it is in basketball or hockey or others. Be able to talk at the water cooler about what is going on.


    Have a Plan B

    Everyone has his own skills and experience. One comes to Canada with the goals and hopes of working in a field that is similar to what you have done. To ensure that you are successful, one needs to have a Plan B and as some of the participants at the symposium said, you need to have a Plan C, D and E. Perhaps you may have another passion - it may be in a different career path or a second or third choice related to what you were originally chosen to do. Be open to the idea of taking another risk after doing your research first.

    5) Stay Clear of ethnic

    Silos - Immigrants who integrate into the Canadian workplace and Canadian life the best are those who make friends with people from all ethnic groups. Canada is a very mulit-cultural country. Don't limit yourself to be only with people from your native country or fromyour own language group. Be open to making friends with people from all religious and cultural groups.

    6) Take risk

    By deciding to come to Canada, you have take one of the biggest risks in your life. For that you should be congratulated. To continue your road to success, you need to keep an open mind to new ideas and possibilities. This may be a new business venture or a possible job opportunity for you to consider.

    7) Volunteer, mentor, network

    The way to finding work and succeeding in Canada is being involved in the community, volunteering with different professional associations, charities and causes that are important to you. This will build your network and your friendships/relationships that will help you in ensuring your success in Canada in the present and future time.

  2. Звонок будет, это точно. Обычно разговаривают с директором предприятия, но позовут для начала именно Вас к телефону.

    Я в шоке :o а зачем им звать аппликанта к телефону:( что им это даст? сразу звонят по рекомендательному письму директору и спрашивают о его должностных обязанностях и личных качествах. Или как уже писала, консул ( обычно переводчик) представляется потенциальным работодателем.

  3. Вопрос к тем, кто иммигрировал в Канаду. Как вам там живется? Не жалели ли вы, что сделали это? С какими трудностями столкнулись?

    Просто предположу, что трудности у всех одинаковые: языковой барьер, работа не по профессии, адаптация...

  4. А еще один плюс с счет Канады,это что в Англии климат просто ужасный: пасмурно, дожди! а в Канаде, прям как унас в России с климатом...

    А разве в России хороший климат?

    В Канаде климат разный, например в провинции принца Едварда в основном тепло  :(

  5. Т.е. если из посольства будут звонить туда, то им никто ничего не ответит. Может ли это стать преградой при расмотрении моих документов в посольстве?

    Частенько консулы звонят по указанному номеру в рекомендательном письме и представляются потенциальными работодателями. Хитрят короче :(

  6. Всем добрый день!

    Была неоднократно в США и собираюсь в Канаду. Но совершенно не знаю особенности и менталитет жителей Канады. Может кто-нибудь прольет свет на такую тему.

    Будет также интересно почитать мнение тех, кто был и там и там!

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