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Photo Information for New Year 2015, March 21, Nowrooz In Kabul, Afghanistan, Новый 2015 год, Новруз, Кабуле, Афганистан 5

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  8. IPTC. Действие Посоветовано
    **Agency/Wires: This photo was licensed from an agency and any use must be consistent with the terms of the agreement for that agency. Unless otherwise noted, we have the right to use the photo for one-time use in connection with a particular story. We may not re-use, sublicense or distribute this photo, except via our API/RSS in conjunction with the story for which the photo was licensed, but you may re-license the photo for subsequent use by going back to the agency.**
  9. IPTC. От-Линии
    Rahmat Gul
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  12. IPTC. Заголовок
    Women walk along on the street in Kabul, Afghanistan, last week. The country faces many changes next year, including a presidential election and the withdrawal of U.S. combat forces. There are also concerns that advances made by women over the past decade could be in jeopardy.
  13. IPTC. Кредит
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