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2010 Getty Images
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LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 01: (L-R) Rob Weitemeyer of Canada, Fred Gill of Great Britain, Code Sternal of USA, Pete McCelland of Canada, George Nash of Great Britain, Derek Rasmussen of USA, Henry Pelly of Great Britain, Ted Randolph of Great Britain, Deaglan McEachern of USA all from Cambridge and Sjoerd Hamburger of Netherlands, Adam Barhamand of USA, Charlie Burkitt of Great Britain, Simon Gawlik of Germany, Matt Evans of Canada/Great Britain, Cameron Winklevoss of USA, Martin Walsh of Ireland, Ben Myers of Great Britain all of Oxford pose during the Xchanging Boat Race Launch at London Bridge on March 1, 2010 in London, England. (Photo by Tom Shaw/Getty Images)
2010 Getty Images
L�O�N�D�O�N�,� �E�N�G�L�A�N�D� �-� �M�A�R�C�H� �0�1�:� � �(�L�-�R�)� �R�o�b� �W�e�i�t�e�m�e�y�e�r� �o�f� �C�a�n�a�d�a�,� �F�r�e�d� �G�i�l�l� �o�f� �G�r�e�a�t� �B�r�i�t�a�i�n�,� �C�o�d�e� �S�t�e�r�n�a�l� �o�f� �U�S�A�,� �P�e�t�e� �M�c�C�e�l�l�a�n�d� �o�f� �C�a�n�a�d�a�,� �G�e�o�r�g�e� �N�a�s�h� �o�f� �G�r�e�a�t� �B�r�i�t�a�i�n�,� �D�e�r�e�k� �R�a�s�m�u�s�s�e�n� �o�f� �U�S�A�,� �H�e�n�r�y� �P�e�l�l�y� �o�f� �G�r�e�a�t� �B�r�i�t�a�i�n�,� �T�e�d� �R�a�n�d�o�l�p�h� �o�f� �G�r�e�a�t� �B�r�i�t�a�i�n�,� �D�e�a�g�l�a�n� �M�c�E�a�c�h�e�r�n� �o�f� �U�S�A� �a�l�l� �f�r�o�m� �C�a�m�b�r�i�d�g�e� �a�n�d� �S�j�o�e�r�d� �H�a�m�b�u�r�g�e�r� �o�f� �N�e�t�h�e�r�l�a�n�d�s�,� �A�d�a�m� �B�a�r�h�a�m�a�n�d� �o�f� �U�S�A�,� �C�h�a�r�l�i�e� �B�u�r�k�i�t�t� �o�f� �G�r�e�a�t� �B�r�i�t�a�i�n�,� �S�i�m�o�n� �G�a�w�l�i�k� �o�f� �G�e�r�m�a�n�y�,� �M�a�t�t� �E�v�a�n�s� �o�f� �C�a�n�a�d�a�/�G�r�e�a�t� �B�r�i�t�a�i�n�,� �C�a�m�e�r�o�n� �W�i�n�k�l�e�v�o�s�s� �o�f� �U�S�A�,� �M�a�r�t�i�n� �W�a�l�s�h� �o�f� �I�r�e�l�a�n�d�,� �B�e�n� �M�y�e�r�s� �o�f� �G�r�e�a�t� �B�r�i�t�a�i�n� �a�l�l� �o�f� �O�x�f�o�r�d� �p�o�s�e� �d�u�r�i�n�g� �t�h�e� �X�c�h�a�n�g�i�n�g� �B�o�a�t� �R�a�c�e� �L�a�u�n�c�h� �a�t� �L�o�n�d�o�n� �B�r�i�d�g�e� �o�n� �M�a�r�c�h� �1�,� �2�0�1�0� �i�n� �L�o�n�d�o�n�,� �E�n�g�l�a�n�d�.� � �(�P�h�o�t�o� �b�y� �T�o�m� �S�h�a�w�/�G�e�t�t�y� �I�m�a�g�e�s�)
LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 01: (L-R) Rob Weitemeyer of Canada, Fred Gill of Great Britain, Code Sternal of USA, Pete McCelland of Canada, George Nash of Great Britain, Derek Rasmussen of USA, Henry Pelly of Great Britain, Ted Randolph of Great Britain, Deaglan McEachern of USA all from Cambridge and Sjoerd Hamburger of Netherlands, Adam Barhamand of USA, Charlie Burkitt of Great Britain, Simon Gawlik of Germany, Matt Evans of Canada/Great Britain, Cameron Winklevoss of USA, Martin Walsh of Ireland, Ben Myers of Great Britain all of Oxford pose during the Xchanging Boat Race Launch at London Bridge on March 1, 2010 in London, England. (Photo by Tom Shaw/Getty Images)