Значит заполнил я там анкетку, сегодня звонок... поговорили значит, ну и по e-mail приходит письмецо
It was great to speak to you today. As discussed over the phone, let me summarize the key points.
Hult is ranked among the top 1% of all business schools world wide and recently joined the Financial Times Top 100 rankings - world's best business schools. The Master in International Business is a one year Master starting September 1. You will learn the core knowledge about marketing, finance and management during the first half of the year and then choose your focus out of those three subjects during the second half. You will work in an international classroom with hands on case studies during your year with us. Currently we have candidates from over 60 nations applying for the program so the classroom will be super international and will give you a tremendous professional network around the world. There is a possibility to join the Optional Rotation Program for eight weeks during your year at our other campuses in Boston, Dubai or Shanghai. We also have an internship elective in the second part of the year. When you have a total of three years of work experience, you can bring your credits from the MIB program to our MBA program and get an MBA for half the price in half the time.
You will need to submit the following:
-Personal statement
-Official transcripts of your University degree and diploma
-Fill in the application form
-Application fee
-Two letters of recommendation
-Your TOEFL /IELTS (in case you plan to take this exam, you can add this information when you have the result)
I would recommend you to start filling in your online application. As you are interested London, the campus is usually filled up very quickly. Please, find attached brochure attached to this email. Please note prices are from the last year. Current tuition fee is 18500 GBP.