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  1. Окленд -это не только главные воздушные и морские ворота страны, но и главный деловой центр, где расположены головные офисы многих крупных новозеландских корпораций.
  2. Есть масса возможностей практиковаться в английском! Можно найти в чате англоговорящий друзей и общаться с ними по skype!!!
  3. к Managers in Health Care, например. относятся administrator, blood bank administrator, dental health services administrator, nursing unit administrator, therapeutic services admissions director – health care anesthesia, chief of assistant administrator for nursing assistant administrator, nursing services assistant director of nursing assistant director of nursing services assistant nursing services administrator audiology and speech language pathology, chief of audiology and speech language pathology, director of behaviour therapy services director chief dietitian chief of anatomical pathology chief of anesthesia chief of audiology and speech language pathology chief of biomedical engineering service chief of cardiology chief of dermatology chief of diagnostic imaging chief of diagnostic radiology chief of emergency medicine chief of endocrinology chief of gastro-enterology chief of hematology chief of housing activities chief of infectious diseases chief of laboratory medicine chief of medical staff chief of medicine chief of nephrology chief of neurology chief of obstetrics and gynecology chief of occupational therapy chief of operating area chief of ophthalmology chief of pathology chief of pediatrics chief of pharmacy chief of physiotherapy chief of psychiatry chief of psychology chief of radiation oncology chief of respirology chief of rheumatology chief of staff – hospital chief of surgery chief of urology chief radiology technologist clinical medicine, director of clinical services manager dental associate officer – military dental health services administrator dental laboratory managing supervisor dermatology, chief of diagnostic imaging, chief of diagnostic radiology, chief of director of audiology and speech language pathology director of clinical medicine director of dietetics director of laboratory medicine director of nursing – medical services director of occupational therapy director of physiotherapy director of professional services – medical services director of psychology – health care director of surgery director, behaviour therapy services director, first aid services director, medical director, medical clinic director, nursing services – medical services director, occupational health services director, pharmacy director, psychology – health care director, public health nursing services director, rehabilitation services director, rehabilitation services – medical services director, therapeutic services – psychiatric hospital emergency medicine, chief of endocrinology, chief of first aid services director gastro-enterology, chief of health care administration officer (management) – military hematology, chief of home care services director – medical services infectious diseases, chief of laboratory medicine, chief of laboratory medicine, director of manager, nursing care – medical services manager, nursing services – medical services managing supervisor, dental laboratory medical associate officer – military medical clinic director medical director medicine, chief of mental health residential care program manager nephrology, chief of neurology, chief of nursing care manager – medical services nursing services administrator nursing services assistant administrator nursing services co-ordinator – management nursing services director – medical services nursing services manager – medical services nursing unit administrator obstetrics and gynecology, chief of occupational health services director occupational therapy, chief of occupational therapy, director of ophthalmology, chief of pathology, chief of pediatrics, chief of pharmacy director pharmacy, chief of physiotherapy, chief of physiotherapy, director of podiatric clinic manager psychiatry, chief of psychology director – health care psychology, chief of public health nursing services director radiation oncology, chief of Red Cross first aid director rehabilitation services director – medical services respirology, chief of rheumatology, chief of surgery, chief of surgery, director of therapeutic services administrator therapeutic services director therapeutic services director – psychiatric hospital urology, chief of Date Modified:2010-05-05 к General Practitioners and Family Physicians относятся: civil aviation medical officer community preventive medicine physician company physician doctor of medicine (MD) doctor, family doctor, medical family doctor family physician family practitioner general practice intern general practice physician general practice resident general practitioner (GP) GP (general practitioner) industrial medical officer industrial medicine physician industrial physician intern intern, general practice MD (doctor of medicine) medical doctor medical missionary medical officer (general practitioner) – military medical officer of health (MOH) medical officer, civil aviation military medical officer (general practitioner) missionary doctor MO (medical officer) general practitioner – military MOH (medical officer of health) physician resident physician, community preventive medicine physician, company physician, family physician, general practice physician, industrial physician, primary care physician, public health practitioner, general primary care physician public health physician resident resident physician resident, general practice к Occupational Therapists относятся: case manager occupational therapist clinical occupational therapist clinical occupational therapy specialist community occupational therapist community practice occupational therapist home care occupational therapist occupational therapist (OT) occupational therapist rehabilitation consultant!!! occupational therapist vocational evaluator occupational therapist, case manager occupational therapist, community occupational therapist, community practice occupational therapist, home care occupational therapist, research occupational therapist, research and development OT (occupational therapist) rehabilitation consultant occupational therapist research and development occupational therapist research occupational therapist specialist, clinical occupational therapy vocational evaluator occupational therapist к Physiotherapists относятся: clinical co-ordinator, physical therapy!!! clinical co-ordinator, physiotherapy clinical physical therapist clinical physiotherapist consultant physical therapist consultant physiotherapist physical rehabilitation therapist physical therapist physical therapist, research physical therapy clinical co-ordinator physical therapy clinical specialist physical therapy officer – military physical therapy supervisor physiotherapist physiotherapist, research physiotherapy clinical co-ordinator physiotherapy supervisor registered physical therapist registered physiotherapist research physical therapist research physiotherapist supervisor, physical therapy supervisor, physiotherapy therapist, physical rehabilitatio к Head Nurses and Supervisors относятся http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC/English/NOC/2006/QuickSearch.aspx?val65=3151 к Registered Nurses:http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC/English/NOC/2006/QuickSearch.aspx?val65=3152 к Medical Radiation Technologists:http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC/English/NOC/2006/QuickSearch.aspx?val65=3215 изучите внимательно список. удачи
  4. Виталяс, эксперты говорят, что наименование специальности-это лишь общее название ряда профессий.каждый случай может быть рассмотрен индивидуально. важно правильно описать свои должностные обязанности и иметь соответсвующий опыт работы. к Managers in Health Care, например. относятся administrator, blood bank administrator, dental health services administrator, nursing unit administrator, therapeutic services admissions director – health care anesthesia, chief of assistant administrator for nursing assistant administrator, nursing services assistant director of nursing assistant director of nursing services assistant nursing services administrator audiology and speech language pathology, chief of audiology and speech language pathology, director of behaviour therapy services director chief dietitian chief of anatomical pathology chief of anesthesia chief of audiology and speech language pathology chief of biomedical engineering service chief of cardiology chief of dermatology chief of diagnostic imaging chief of diagnostic radiology chief of emergency medicine chief of endocrinology chief of gastro-enterology chief of hematology chief of housing activities chief of infectious diseases chief of laboratory medicine chief of medical staff chief of medicine chief of nephrology chief of neurology chief of obstetrics and gynecology chief of occupational therapy chief of operating area chief of ophthalmology chief of pathology chief of pediatrics chief of pharmacy chief of physiotherapy chief of psychiatry chief of psychology chief of radiation oncology chief of respirology chief of rheumatology chief of staff – hospital chief of surgery chief of urology chief radiology technologist clinical medicine, director of clinical services manager dental associate officer – military dental health services administrator dental laboratory managing supervisor dermatology, chief of diagnostic imaging, chief of diagnostic radiology, chief of director of audiology and speech language pathology director of clinical medicine director of dietetics director of laboratory medicine director of nursing – medical services director of occupational therapy director of physiotherapy director of professional services – medical services director of psychology – health care director of surgery director, behaviour therapy services director, first aid services director, medical director, medical clinic director, nursing services – medical services director, occupational health services director, pharmacy director, psychology – health care director, public health nursing services director, rehabilitation services director, rehabilitation services – medical services director, therapeutic services – psychiatric hospital emergency medicine, chief of endocrinology, chief of first aid services director gastro-enterology, chief of health care administration officer (management) – military hematology, chief of home care services director – medical services infectious diseases, chief of laboratory medicine, chief of laboratory medicine, director of manager, nursing care – medical services manager, nursing services – medical services managing supervisor, dental laboratory medical associate officer – military medical clinic director medical director medicine, chief of mental health residential care program manager nephrology, chief of neurology, chief of nursing care manager – medical services nursing services administrator nursing services assistant administrator nursing services co-ordinator – management nursing services director – medical services nursing services manager – medical services nursing unit administrator obstetrics and gynecology, chief of occupational health services director occupational therapy, chief of occupational therapy, director of ophthalmology, chief of pathology, chief of pediatrics, chief of pharmacy director pharmacy, chief of physiotherapy, chief of physiotherapy, director of podiatric clinic manager psychiatry, chief of psychology director – health care psychology, chief of public health nursing services director radiation oncology, chief of Red Cross first aid director rehabilitation services director – medical services respirology, chief of rheumatology, chief of surgery, chief of surgery, director of therapeutic services administrator therapeutic services director therapeutic services director – psychiatric hospital urology, chief of Date Modified:2010-05-05 к General Practitioners and Family Physicians относятся: civil aviation medical officer community preventive medicine physician company physician doctor of medicine (MD) doctor, family doctor, medical family doctor family physician family practitioner general practice intern general practice physician general practice resident general practitioner (GP) GP (general practitioner) industrial medical officer industrial medicine physician industrial physician intern intern, general practice MD (doctor of medicine) medical doctor medical missionary medical officer (general practitioner) – military medical officer of health (MOH) medical officer, civil aviation military medical officer (general practitioner) missionary doctor MO (medical officer) general practitioner – military MOH (medical officer of health) physician resident physician, community preventive medicine physician, company physician, family physician, general practice physician, industrial physician, primary care physician, public health practitioner, general primary care physician public health physician resident resident physician resident, general practice к Occupational Therapists относятся: case manager occupational therapist clinical occupational therapist clinical occupational therapy specialist community occupational therapist community practice occupational therapist home care occupational therapist occupational therapist (OT) occupational therapist rehabilitation consultant!!! occupational therapist vocational evaluator occupational therapist, case manager occupational therapist, community occupational therapist, community practice occupational therapist, home care occupational therapist, research occupational therapist, research and development OT (occupational therapist) rehabilitation consultant occupational therapist research and development occupational therapist research occupational therapist specialist, clinical occupational therapy vocational evaluator occupational therapist к Physiotherapists относятся: clinical co-ordinator, physical therapy!!! clinical co-ordinator, physiotherapy clinical physical therapist clinical physiotherapist consultant physical therapist consultant physiotherapist physical rehabilitation therapist physical therapist physical therapist, research physical therapy clinical co-ordinator physical therapy clinical specialist physical therapy officer – military physical therapy supervisor physiotherapist physiotherapist, research physiotherapy clinical co-ordinator physiotherapy supervisor registered physical therapist registered physiotherapist research physical therapist research physiotherapist supervisor, physical therapy supervisor, physiotherapy therapist, physical rehabilitatio к Head Nurses and Supervisors относятся http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC/English/NOC/2006/QuickSearch.aspx?val65=3151 к Registered Nurses:http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC/English/NOC/2006/QuickSearch.aspx?val65=3152 к Medical Radiation Technologists:http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC/English/NOC/2006/QuickSearch.aspx?val65=3215 изучите внимательно список. удачи
  5. эта тема уже обсуждалась вот цитирую "Re: Список 38 - когда изменится? « Ответ #2 : 02 Май 2010г., 10:22:39 » Цитировать Да, молодые люда, да, сейчас, как впрочем, и ежегодно происходят большые и маленькие реформы иммиграционным норм. Вы большей частью смотрите на федеральные "пряники", вроде списка 38, а что происходит в региональных актах, вас интересует редко и в меншей степени, но на самом деле там идет также весьма бойкая законодательная жизнь - надо тамошним министам и их замам свой хлеб отрабатывать. Когда его изменят? Напомню несколько моментов: в конце 2008 года Канада опубликовала Список 38 профессий, который были признаны проходными для иммиграции в Канаду. Недавно Министр Jason Kenney высказался о необходимости пересмотра этого списка, и чиновники Департамента Citizenship and Immigration Canada стали собирать предложения по его усовершенствованию и причем всенародно. Имеются в наших кругах мнения, что действительно, возможно, публикуация нового списка произойдет уже в мае этого года, хотя ручаться именно за эти сроки я бы не стал. Какие ожидаются изменения? Мы ожидаем, это коснется наиболее general специальностей. Всего за два последних года с момента введения новых правил и этого списка было подано более 300.000 заявлений по весьма ограниченному этим же списком ряду профессий. Представьте себе, сколько из них было менеджеров по расселению, общепиту и также и особенно финансовых менеджеров, коим себя спокойно может ощущать любой экономист с пятилетним дипломом! Не думаю, что кто-нибудь уберет сварщиков, техников, механиков, гео- и пр инженерию, возможно, переименуют IT менеджеров (хотя от перемены мест...) и прочая. Давайте, однако, ждать и надеяться на благоразумие господ министров, не желают же они, на самом деле себе зла, Канада архи нуждается в профессиональных и просто иммигрантах! При их то территории (2-ое место в мире) и малозаселенности (живут на юге вдоль границы с США)."
  6. Могу ли я поехать работать в Великобританию без того, чтобы предварительно найти там работу?
  7. стажировка у специалиста по рекламе неоплачиваемя, зато во время прохождения курсов до начала стажировки и после нее у стажера есть право на неполный рабочий день. Так что можно будет подрабатывать. А после окончания курсов во время стажировки trainee имеет право работать без ограничений.
  8. список 38 был изменен. новый список выглядит следующим образом: 0111: Financial Managers 0213: Computer and Information Systems Managers 0311: Managers in Health Care 0631: Restaurant and Food Service Managers 0632: Accommodation Service Managers 0711: Construction Managers 1111: Financial Auditors and Accountants 2113: Geologists, Geochemists and Geophysicists 2143: Mining Engineers 2144: Geological Engineers 2145: Petroleum Engineers 3111: Specialist Physicians 3112: General Practitioners and Family Physicians 3141: Audiologists and Speech Language Pathologists 3143: Occupational Therapists 3142: Physiotherapists 3151: Head Nurses and Supervisors 3152: Registered Nurses 3215: Medical Radiation Technologists 3233: Licensed Practical Nurses 4121: University Professors 4131: College and Other Vocational Instructors 6241: Chefs 6242: Cooks 7213: Contractors and Supervisors, Pipefitting Trades 7215: Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades 7217: Contractors and Supervisors, Heavy Construction Equipment Crews 7241: Electricians (Except Industrial and Power System) 7242: Industrial Electricians 7251: Plumbers 7252: Steamfitters, Pipe fitters and Sprinkler System Installers 7265: Welders and Related Machine Operators 7312: Heavy-Duty Equipment Mechanics 7371: Crane Operators 7372: Drillers and Blasters – Surface Mining, Quarrying and Construction 8221: Supervisors, Mining and Quarrying 8222: Supervisors, Oil and Gas Drilling and Service 9212: Supervisors, Petroleum, Gas and Chemical Processing and Utilities
  9. На радиоаппаратуру и компьютеры цены в Америке выше в 1,5-2 раза. Память для компьютеров в два раза дороже. Винчестеры и мониторы приблизительно столько же, как и в Москве.
  10. первое, наверное, о чем стоит сказать, это как посетители делают заказ. Сначала непросто привыкнуть, что они заказывают не:"Bourbon Whiskey", а просто Bourbon. И этот принцип распространяется на все))
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