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Вакансии от компании Carnival

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Show Dancer

Production show dancers are required to have a strong technical training in ballet and jazz with adaptable and versatile styles and performance qualities to perform in Carnival’s high-energy shows. An fun, upbeat outgoing personality is essential as dancers are also required to assist the cruise director in coordinating shipboard activities that are a popular part of the “Fun Ship” vacation experience.

Show dancers perform in completely different Las Vegas-style shows twice

nightly two nights per cruise. Dancers must attend weekly rehearsals for each

show, as well as assist the dance captain to teach choreography during cast

changeovers. Dancers must also assist with upkeep of their assigned costumes and maintain a high standard of personal appearance in all work-related areas.

Production Singer

Vocalist will be contracted for two completely different production shows presented two nights per cruise, twice each night. In addition, vocalist will be required to possess 30 minutes worth of music that will be performed as a solo cabaret act or other performance venues on board the ship. In addition to strong

vocal ability, production singers must be able to move and/or dance and have a strong stag presence with the ability to carry solo numbers with confidence. Experience in production or revue shows a plus.

Show band

Each Carnival vessels features an eight- to 10-piece show band which provides music for the ship’s production shows and featured entertainers, as well as dance music. Carnival seeks experienced, well-rounded musicians with a high level or proficiency on their chosen instrument. Strong sight reading skills and the

ability to assimilate and perform a wide variety of diverse musical styles quickly are essential. Experience in a medium- or large-sized musical ensemble, and studies at a college level music program or equivalent experience helpful, but not mandatory.

Specific requirements for each position are below:

• Alto Saxophone - must double on flute and clarinet, ability to improvise preferred

• Tenor Saxophone - must double on flute and clarinet, and be a

proficient improviser. Baritone Saxophone-no doubles required

• Trumpet 1 - must have a range to high G; ability to improvise preferred

• Trumpet 2 - must have a range to high E, and be a proficient


• Trombone - tenor trombone with range to A; ability to improvise


• Piano, Guitar, Bass, Drums - all rhythm section members need to

have excellent reading and interpretive skills. Rhythm players should

be able to read a variety of different styles of charts, and be familiar

with a broad range of jazz and contemporary musical styles.

Piano Bar Entertainer

Carnival’s piano bar entertainers are highly interactive, and focused on guest satisfaction. While being able to cater to a wide range of guest demographics, the majority of our guests who frequent the piano bar are in their mid 20s through mid 50s. The piano bar entertainers that are most successful on our line have a repertoire from contemporary artists such as Billy Joel, Elton John, The Eagles, The Beatles, Jimmy Buffet, and James Taylor, just to name a few. Additionally, contemporary country, sing-a-long favorites, and one-hit wonders from the 1950's through the present all work well in our piano bars. Please note that piano entertainers whose repertoire consists primarily of show tunes, cabaret music, and jazz standards are really not what we are looking for.

Cocktail Piano

Each of Carnival’s vessels features a cocktail piano player who performs in the dining rooms, lobbies, and other public areas of the vessel. This position is an instrumental, non-vocal position. Cocktail piano players need to posses the ability to perform a variety of musical styles, and ascertain the musical tastes of Carnival’s guests and adapt as necessary. They must also be able to develop a

rapport and interact with guests to provide an enjoyable musical entertainment experience.

Variety Band

All Carnival ships feature a variety band, usually comprised of four pieces and performing a wide variety of material drawn from the popular musical styles of the 1950s through the present. Rock, pop, disco, and country are but a few of the styles that these bands cover. Requirements include the ability to perform a variety of popular musical styles; the ability to ascertain the musical tastes of

Carnival’s guests and adapt as necessary, and develop a rapport and interact with guests to provide enjoyable musical entertainment experience.

Disc Jockey

With the largest dance clubs afloat featuring state-of-the-art lighting and sound technology, Carnival is looking for professional, hardworking and enthusiastic disc jockeys who love to entertain our guests and have a good time. Carnival’s DJs provide entertainment in various shipboard locations which, in addition to dance clubs, include poolside and deck areas, various lounges and bars, and a host of other venues. Carnival’s “Fun Ship” DJs go beyond taking requests and create a fun and memorable environment for its guests.

Претендуя на все вышеперечисленные позиции, будьте готовы предоставить CD или DVD, а так же фото, демонстрирующие ваши умения и навыки! Готова поделиться более подробной информацией.

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Когда собеседование на карнивал?

Учитывая, что собеседование комп. Carnival проводила 7-8 мая в Минске, следующее скорее всего будет месяца через 3-4.

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Карина, такие вакансии как электрик и механик часто попадаются? (не для меня:)) до скольки лет принимают?

электрик и механик не являются часто востребованными

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а какие сейчас самые востребованные вакансии? я слышала что сейчас стали перелагать даже вакансии для певцов, танцовщиц, хотя раньше такого не было, что еще есть из интересного?

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Вот что появилось:

Entertainment Technician – Automation/ Scenic/Stage

Carnival vessels include multi-level show lounges featuring elaborate sets and scenery. As ships have increased in size, so have the production facilities. The majority of Carnival’s fleet utilizes state-of-the-art computer automation that controls a full fly rig. Control systems include Acrobat, Stage Technology and Mechatronix. Technicians’ duties include operating the equipment used in evening entertainment, as well as daily shows and activities; maintaining strict safety standards, facilitating special group requests and ensuring that the rig is fully maintained. Technicians are provided with shared shipboard accommodations with one other team member of the same gender.

Entertainment Technician – Lights

All Carnival vessels feature state-of-the-art-lighting, laser, special effects, and control systems that require skilled technicians to operate. Technicians must have knowledge of maintenance, programming, and board operation of these multi-million dollar systems which are comprised of the finest names in technical theater, including Highend, Vari*Lite, ETC, Martin, Wybron, Wholehog, Jands, ETC, Grand MA, Le Maitre and AMX. Technicians’ duties include: operating equipment used in the evening intertainment, as well as daily shows and activities; upholding safety procedures; facilitating special group requests and ensuring that the rig is fully maintained. All technicians are provided with shared shipboard accommodations with one other team member of the same gender.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ограничения по возрасту-то есть, но я слышала, что все зависит еще и от активности жизненной позиции, должности на кот. претендуешь, опыта работы и образования. У нас в Минске даже если тебе слегка за 30, но у тебя все выше перечисленное имеется в реальном и достаточном колличестве, то доки принимают, а потом в Вильнюс отправляют. От туда приходит ответ "да" или "нет". Могут еще и должность выше предложить. А техники-электрики могут собеседование по вэб камере проходить (говорю про Минск) и не ждать приездов нанимателей и формирования групп желающих.

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  • 3 months later...

Карина, в субботу Вы писали, что из офиса компании Carnival были выслалны контракты. Подскажите, пожалуйста, пришли ли уже LOE в ваш офис для asst. waiter/ress?

Заранее благодарю за ответ.

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  • 10 months later...


30 сентября в Варшаве состоится собеседование с представителями круизной компании

Carnival Cruise Lines


Bar servers and Assistant Restaurant waiter/esses !!!

Marlins Test должен быть сдан не ниже, чем на 70%!

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  • 5 months later...

Предлагаемые вакансии от круизной компании Carnival:

Deck&Pool supervisors (Ответственный за чистоту палубы и бассейна)-организация и контроль деятельности работников на открытых палубах и зон вокруг бассейнов.

Пoльзователь ПК, знание MS office приветствуется.

Хороший английский и опыт работы в отеле/гостинице от 12 месяцев.

З/п $1115 в месяц.

Floor supervisors (Ответственный за чистоту на корабле)- организация и контроль работы горничных на корабле.

Пoльзователь ПК, знание MS office приветствуется.

Хороший английский и опыт работы в отеле/гостинице от 12 месяцев

З/п $1500 в месяц.

Если вас заинтересовала какая либо из вакансий или возникли  вопросы, пишите на email:


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