Оксана, эти ограничения опубликованы и вступили в силу не сегодня, а 1 июля 2018 года, и в той степени, в какой это может касаться вас, они ограничивают:
Newly-arrived migrants will also wait longer to access certain welfare benefits from July 1, 2018.
Instead of the current three years, they’ll now wait four years for certain types of payments including Newstart*, paid parental leave, carers allowance and the family tax benefit.
* Newstart Allowance (NSA)
NSA is an income support payment that provides financial assistance to people aged 22 years or older but under age pension age who are unemployed or treated as unemployed and, unless exempted from mutual obligation requirements:
are participating in or willing to participate in approved activities and/or job search, and
are prepared to enter into, comply with or vary an existing Job Plan to fulfil the mutual obligation requirements, и также:
rent assistance
energy supplement
pharmaceutical allowance
remote area allowance
approved program of work supplement
telephone allowance
LLNS if undertaking training through the Skills for Education and Employment Program.