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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/21 in Posts

  1. Австралийцы начнут использовать international vaccine passports со следующего месяца, и федеральное правительство готовится к въезду из-за границы желающих посетить Австралию Свидетельства о вакцинации против COVID-19 будут доступны путешественникам на их телефонах или в распечатанном виде. Согласно национальному плану открытия границ, премьер-министр Скотт Моррисон предложил возобновить поездки за границу, когда штаты достигнут 80-процентного порога вакцинации.
    2 points
  2. Главные партийные лидеры впервые появились на сцене в четверг в дебатах на французском языке, которые временами были бурными, поскольку четверо мужчин яростно боролись за голоса в провинции, которая вполне могла решить, кто станет следующим премьер-министром Канады. Двухчасовые дебаты, организованные TVA, крупным телеканалом в Квебеке, дали либеральному лидеру Джастину Трюдо шанс восстановить некоторую динамику, которую он имел ранее этим летом, когда опросы показали, что он лидирует во второй по величине провинции страны. В системе отслеживания опросов CBC Трюдо и либералы по-прежнему опережают других в Квебеке, но разница сузилась.
    2 points
  3. В 2021 году канадские федеральные выборы состоятся 20 сентября 2021 года, чтобы избрать членов Палаты общин в 44-й парламент Канады. Распоряжения о выборах были изданы генерал-губернатором Мэри Саймон 15 августа 2021 года, когда премьер-министр Джастин Трюдо потребовал роспуска парламента для проведения внеочередных выборов. Итак: 2021 канадские федеральные выборы Под руководством лидера Эрин О’Тула консерваторы планируют пересмотреть Канадский план борьбы с пандемией. Лидер Либеральной партии Джастин Трюдо удвоил план по обязательной вакцинации при посадке в самолет, поезд или круизный лайнер. Подчеркивая необходимость введения мандатов на вакцины для ускорения экономического восстановления, либералы пообещали выделить 1 миллиард долларов для помощи провинциям во внедрении систем паспортов вакцины. Трюдо также взял на себя обязательство по созданию лучших стандартов для долгосрочного ухода и выделил финансирование провинциям, чтобы сократить время ожидания медицинской помощи и нанять больше медицинских работников. Либералы также пообещали установить правила, регулирующие доступность услуг в области сексуального и репродуктивного здоровья. Новая Демократическая партия пообещала внедрить универсальную аптеку, начиная с 2022 года. Лидер Джагмит Сингх сказал, что его план, который будет включать в себя переговоры о ценах с фармацевтическими компаниями и работу с провинциями по обеспечению бесплатными лекарствами, отпускаемыми по рецепту, сэкономит среднестатистической семье 550 долларов в год. Обещание NDP является частью всеобщего обязательства по созданию национальных планов оказания стоматологической и психиатрической помощи. Видение лидера Партии зеленых Аннами Пол включает в себя серьезные реформы и изменения в системе здравоохранения в стране, такие как универсальная аптека. В случае избрания правительство Блока Квебека увеличит трансферты на медицинское обслуживание провинциям и территориям, поэтому федеральное правительство покрывает не менее 35% всех расходов на здравоохранение. Партия также увеличит оплачиваемый отпуск по болезни за счет страхования занятости для людей с серьезными заболеваниями с 15 недель в году до 50.
    1 point
  4. 🔺Паспорта вакцинации появятся в Австралии к октябрю текущего года и будут опробованы в Сиднее. Как ожидается, с начала следующего месяца для полностью вакцинированных жителей мегаполиса откроются пабы, кафе и рестораны, работа которых была прекращена в начале июля из-за вспышки коронавируса.
    1 point
  5. В Австралии ожидают пик заболеваемости коронавирусом в ближайшие недели несмотря на продолжающийся уже три месяца локдаун.
    1 point
  6. Канберра стремится к тому, чтобы половина ее жителей, имеющих право на получение помощи, была полностью вакцинирована от коронавируса в ближайшие семь дней, поскольку в столице страны регистрируется всего 11 новых случаев инфицирования. ACT, который является лидером в стране по показателям вакцинации, также стремится к тому, чтобы за это время 75% жителей в возрасте от 16 лет и старше получали однократную дозу вакцины. На следующую неделю запланировано рекордное количество заказов Pfizer - 24 000, и главный министр Эндрю Барр хочет развить эти цифры.
    1 point
  7. Подмосковный таксист не смог достать деньги из банкоматов, которые взорвал 34-летнему таксисту Дмитрию Грачёву надоело крутить баранку и он решил быстро подняться. Соорудив взрывчатку, водила отправился с ней в отделение Сбербанка Подольска. Грабитель подложил пакет под один из банкоматов. Зал как следует тряхнуло, но ни одной купюры вытащить из покалеченных банкоматов взрывателю не удалось. Теперь Грачёва задержали и вскоре осудят за приготовление к преступлению и умышленное уничтожение имущества.
    1 point
  8. Московских полицейских задержали за кражу денег с карты умершего инвалида. Пожилой мужчина ещё шесть лет назад перенёс инсульт, у него была диагностированная ишемическая болезнь сердца. В квартире он проживал один. 20 июля инвалиду стало плохо, он сам дозвонился в скорую помощь, однако медики не смогли его спасти. В квартиру приехал инспектор ППС с водителем уже на констатацию смерти. После этого сын покойного не смог найти банковскую карту отца, а телефон лежал на кухне, что было крайне нетипично. Сын также обнаружил в мобильном банке перевод на чужой счет. Были списаны все деньги покойного — 14 000 рублей. Кроме того, родные уверяют, что из квартиры пропали ещё 20 000 рублей наличными. В ходе проверки вину в краже денег через перевод полицейские признали, а наличных — нет
    1 point
  9. Австралия потеряла Китай ✔️Оказалось, что Россия стала крупнейшим поставщиком говядины для Китая. Как сообщили в пресс-службе Россельхозбанка, за первые 3 месяца этого года поставки такого вида российского продовольствия в КНР по сравнению с аналогичным периодом прошлого года увеличились в 20 раз до 3,7 тыс. т. Всего же за первый квартал из России было вывезено около 6,5 тыс. т говядины. Её крупными покупателями являются также Гонконг (234 тыс. т), Саудовская Аравия (497 тыс. т) и Узбекистан (256 тыс. т). При этом импорт мяса в Россию в 2020 году снизился до 78 тыс. т. Ранее крупнейшим поставщиком мясной продукции для Китая была Австралия. Но австралийцы забыли, что в условиях мирового кризиса перепроизводства важно сохранить имеющиеся рынки сбыта. Надо было им всеми силами держаться за Китай, а не влезать в политику, пытаясь угодить США. Правительство Австралии обвинило китайские власти в ущемлении прав Гонконга как территории с особыми правами, а так же в ущемлении свободы и прав уйгуров. Самое интересное, что пострадавшими оказались английские фермеры, так как главный рулевой (США) навязал Великобритании подписать контракты с Австралией на поставку мясной продукции, потерявшей рынок в Китае.
    1 point
  10. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲США предали австралийцев в «угольном» конфликте с Китаем🇨🇳 Конфликт Пекина🇨🇳 и Канберры🇦🇺 потихоньку забывается, но не для всех – австралийцы продолжают пожинать плоды своей «активной гражданской позиции». В большей степени это коснулось экспорта угля в Китай🇨🇳 - поставки не осуществляются уже 6 месяцев, и страна потеряла 21% экспорта. Уголь составлял существенную часть австралийского экспорта в Поднебесную, который составляет около $14 млрд. Не слишком успокаивает австралийцев тот факт, что не Китай был крупнейшим импортером угля, а Япония🇯🇵 (26%), но «выпадающие» объемы нужно куда-то девать. Ну это ладно – борьба за демократию требует жертв. Еще можно было бы смириться с тем, что отказ китайцев от австралийского угля открывает окно возможностей для России🇷🇺, другой не самой дружественной страны Запада. Но, по данным Министерства промышленности Австралии, беда (точнее, «зрада») пришла откуда не ждали – американцы быстро и охотно заместили австралийский уголь своим, и продолжают наращивать поставки. Более того, незадолго до введения запрет на импорт австралийского угля китайцы отменили 25-процентную пошлину на импорт угля из США, так что поставки из-за океана растут и будут расти. Пока из Канберры не было внятной реакции на всю это историю, но уже очевидно, что по ее итогам австралийцы остались с носом, оказавшись единственной пострадавшей стороной. Australia🇦🇺
    1 point
  11. 🇨🇳🇦🇺«Отжим» порта у китайцев обойдется австралийским налогоплательщикам в более чем в 700 млн долларов То, что еще недавно казалось невероятным, набирает обороты: в дело по «отжиму» у китайской Landbridge Group порта Дарвин подключились Комитет по национальной безопасности при кабинете министров и Минобороны. Правда, прогнать хитрых китайцев будет сложнее, чем оказалось – как пишет Sydney Morning Herald, ссылаясь на доклад Бюджетного управления парламента, разорвать сделку здесь и сейчас будет стоить $690 млн долларов (возврат средств за оставшийся срок аренды) и $30 млн компенсации, предусмотренной договором (даже если китайцы уступят право аренды). И это при том, что в 2015 году Landbridge заплатило $506 млн за аренду порта на 99 лет. Отличный бизнес, надо сказать, и юристы китайской компании определенно не зря кушают свой хлебушек. «Праведный гнев» австралийцев не знает границ. В высших кругах страны все чаще говорят о том, что такой актив не должен был уходить из рук правительства, и отдать его в аренду китайцам было худшим возможным решением. Напирает и Вашингтон 🇺🇸– порт используется в том числе и ВМС США. Чем громче крики, тем все более хочется спросить – куда смотрели, и чем думали. Теперь юристы Минобороны Австралии изучают возможность решения проблемы. Но уже сейчас очевидно, что к общему знаменателю будет прийти крайне сложно, а это значит, что раскол между Пекином и Канберрой будут только усугубляться. А вообще трендом 2021 года становится культурный «отжим» у иностранных инвесторов, и это настораживает.
    1 point
  12. Китай призывает Австралию во Всемирную торговую организацию по поводу ветряных турбин и стальных раковин. Министр торговли Дэн Техан говорит, что Австралия будет решительно защищаться от жалобы, поданной Китаем во Всемирную торговую организацию. Этот шаг знаменует собой последний инцидент в эскалации торгового и дипломатического противостояния между Австралией и ее крупнейшим торговым партнером. В четверг министерство торговли Китая объявило, что подало жалобу на антидемпинговые меры и субсидии в Австралии, связанные с китайскими железнодорожными колесами, ветряными турбинами и раковинами из нержавеющей стали.
    1 point
  13. Вакансия: работа на складах Rohlik. Обязанности: сбор заказов на складе по накладным, упаковка и отправка продуктов заказчику, особых навыков и знаний не требуется. Заработная плата 110-120 крон/час. График работы: 6/1 или 7/0 по 12-14 часов, выходные по желанию, склад работает каждый день. Жилье предоставляется, из заработной платы списывается за жиле 3500 крон в месяц. Есть возможность питаться недорого в столовой на территории склада. Обращайтесь на job@rospersonal.ru
    1 point
  14. Боятся они коронавируса завозного и малоадекватных личностей, готовых убиться об стенку, не смотря на хромающую грамматику.
    1 point
  15. Друзья-приятели, вы, конечно, правы каждый по своему, но.... какой смысл обсуждать эти ма-а-а-аленькие изменения, если Long Term Skill Shortage List - основной список для иммиграции к вам, и уже в качестве revised Long Term Skill Shortage List, effective from 27 May 2019 - вот с этой даты так и не меняется... Висит себе. И INZ спит сладким и полноценным сном. Если честно-откровенно: когда у вас там, в народе, обещают ворота-то открыть?
    1 point
  16. Вакансия: рабочие на производство молочных продуктов. Обязанности: упаковка молочной продукции, работа на складе, проверка готовой продукции на брак. Принимающая сторона предоставляет жилье и двухразовое питание на заводе, вы оплачиваете только коммунальные расходы. Знание английского языка будет плюсом. График работы: 5/2 или 6/1 с 8:00 до 18:00. Заработная плата 115 крон/час. Виза на 3 месяца. Обращайтесь на job@rospersonal.ru.
    1 point
  17. Парень 26 лет. Хотел в Канаду, но начитался и как-то переориентировался на Австралию. Серьёзные намерения. Фото и все необходимое пришлю на ваш имэйл. Буду признателен за интерес, искренность и честность.
    1 point
  18. Девушки, спасибо за ваши обращения в личные сообщения, я встретил ту, которую искал. Удачи вам!
    1 point
  19. Первый по телекоммуникации, второй по телекоммуникационным сетям, и соответственно, о сетевом ПО и оборудовании.
    1 point
  20. Да ничего там существенно не изменили, добавили только Telecommunications Engineer (263311), Telecommunications Network Engineer (263312) - и все на этом. Хотя для кого-то и это существенно, если он/она Telecommunications Engineer или Telecommunications Network Engineer. В чем разница-то? Между ними?
    1 point
  21. Спасибо. Пока нет. Напишите в личные сообщения.
    1 point
  22. Матвеич говорит в ноябре.
    1 point
  23. Sounds promising, когда же Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot откроют для населения земного шара? Друзья спрашивают.
    1 point
  24. Зачем? Посмотрите вашу специальность - если на месте, все в порядке, можете читать "notes" под списком - все изменения там есть.
    1 point
  25. Пересмотренный Long Term Skill Shortage List, действительный с 27 мая 2019. This list is part of Government immigration instructions as described in section 22 of the Immigration Act 2009 (see WR3.10.1) and Government residence instructions as described in sections 22 and 23 of the Immigration Act 2009 (see RW4). Occupational Group Occupation Occupations are listed by ANZSCO (Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations) code. Long Term Skill Shortage List Requirements Qualifications must be comparable to the standard of the New Zealand qualification listed. Unless otherwise stated all qualifications listed are New Zealand qualifications (see Note 1 at the end of this list). Construction Construction Project Manager (133111) One of the following: - Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (NZQF Level 8 ) - Bachelor of Engineering Technology (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Construction (NZQF Level 7) - A bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or a higher qualification with the minimum equivalent of 360 credits, which includes the requirements of a New Zealand major in the focus areas of construction management, civil engineering or highway engineering - A Graduate Diploma at NZQF Level 7, or a higher qualification which includes the knowledge requirements of a New Zealand Graduate Diploma in the focus areas of construction management, highway engineering, civil engineering or construction project management - A diploma at NZQF Level 6, or a higher qualification, with the minimum equivalent of 240 credits, which includes the knowledge requirements of a New Zealand Diploma in the focus areas of civil engineering, highway engineering, construction or construction management - A Washington Accord or Sydney Accord accredited undergraduate (initial) engineering degree in Civil Engineering (listed - see Note 3) - A qualification at NZQF Level 7 or higher, with a letter from Engineering New Zealand certifying that the degree and any further learning meet the benchmark requirements towards Chartered Professional Engineer professional status in New Zealand - NZ registration in the field of civil engineering as a Chartered Professional Engineer or an Engineering Technologist by Engineering New Zealand AND a minimum of five years' relevant post-qualification work experience Construction Project Builder (including Building Project Manager and Site Foreman) (133112) One of the following qualifications: - A bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or a higher qualification with the minimum equivalent of 360 credits, which includes the requirements of a New Zealand major in quantity surveying or construction economics - A Graduate Diploma at NZQF Level 7, or a higher qualification, which includes the knowledge requirements of a New Zealand Graduate Diploma in the focus areas of construction, construction management or construction project management - A diploma at NZQF Level 6, or a higher qualification, with the minimum equivalent of 240 credits, which includes the knowledge requirements of a New Zealand Diploma (Level 6) in the focus areas of quantity surveying, construction economics, construction management or building AND a minimum of three years’ relevant post-qualification work experience Construction Quantity Surveyor (233213) One of the following: - A bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or a higher qualification with the minimum equivalent of 360 credits, which includes the requirements of a New Zealand major in quantity surveying or construction economics - Student or Affiliate Membership, or MNZIQS, of the New Zealand Institute of Quantity Surveyors (with an overseas degree approved by NZIQS) AND a minimum of three years’ relevant post-qualification work experience Construction Surveyor (232212) One of the following: - Bachelor of Surveying (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Surveying with Honours (NZQF Level 8 ) - Registration as a Professional Surveyor with the New Zealand Institute of Surveyors - Professional Associate Membership or an Overseas Member of the New Zealand Institute of Surveyors (with an overseas degree approved by NZIS) Engineering Chemical Engineer (233111), Materials Engineer (233112), Civil Engineer (233211), Geotechnical Engineer (233212), Structural Engineer (233214), Electrical Engineer (233311), Electronics Engineer (233411), Industrial Engineer (233511), Mechanical Engineer (233512), Production or Plant Engineer (233513), Environmental Engineer (233915), Engineering Professionals nec (233999) One of the following: - A Washington Accord accredited (initial) engineering degree (listed - see Note 3) - A Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (NZQF Level 8 ) - A qualification at NZQF Level 7 or higher, with a letter from Engineering New Zealand certifying that the degree and any further learning meet the benchmark requirements towards Chartered Professional Engineer professional status in New Zealand - NZ registration as a Chartered Professional Engineer by Engineering New Zealand. Engineering Civil Engineering Technician (312212) One of the following: - Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering) (NZQF Level 7) - A diploma at NZQF Level 6, or a higher qualification, with the minimum equivalent of 240 credits, which includes the knowledge requirements of the New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Civil) (Level 6) - A Washington Accord or Sydney Accord accredited undergraduate (initial) engineering degree in Civil Engineering (listed - see Note 3) - A qualification at NZQF Level 7 or higher, with a letter from Engineering New Zealand certifying that the degree and any further learning meet the benchmark requirements towards Chartered Professional Engineer status in New Zealand - NZ registration in the field of Civil Engineering as a Chartered Professional Engineer or as an Engineering Technologist by Engineering New Zealand AND a minimum of three years’ work experience including a minimum of 12 months' relevant post-qualification work experience in the past 18 months Engineering Electrical Engineering Technician (312312) One of the following: - Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) (NZQF Level 8 ) - Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electrical Engineering) (NZQF Level 7) Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) (NZQF Level 7) - A Washington Accord or Sydney Accord accredited undergraduate (initial) engineering degree in Electrical Engineering (listed - see Note 3) - A qualification at NZQF Level 7 or higher, with a letter from Engineering New Zealand certifying that the degree and any further learning meet the benchmark requirements towards Chartered Professional Engineer professional status in New Zealand - NZ registration in the field of Electrical Engineering as a Chartered Professional Engineer or as an Engineering Technologist by Engineering New Zealand AND a minimum of three years’ relevant post-qualification work experience Engineering Electronic Engineering Technician (312412) One of the following: - A bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or a higher qualification with the minimum equivalent of 360 credits, which includes the requirements of a New Zealand major in electronics - A diploma at NZQF Level 6, or a higher qualification, with the minimum equivalent of 240 credits, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of the New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Level 6) Electronic Engineering - Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electronic Engineering) or (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Electronic Engineering, or Electrical and Electronic Engineering (NZQF Level 8 ) - A Washington Accord or a Sydney Accord accredited undergraduate (initial) engineering degree in Electronic Engineering (listed - see Note 3) - A qualification at NZQF Level 7 or higher, with a letter from Engineering New Zealand certifying that the degree and any further learning meet the benchmark requirements towards Chartered Professional Engineer professional status in New Zealand - NZ registration in the field of Electronic Engineering or Electrical and Electronic Engineering as a Chartered Professional Engineer or an Engineering Technologist by Engineering New Zealand AND a minimum of three years’ work experience AND a minimum of 12 months' relevant post-qualification work experience in the last 18 months Engineering Telecommunications Engineer (263311), Telecommunications Network Engineer (263312) One of the following: - Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (Network Engineering) (NZQF Level 8 ) - Bachelor of Engineering (NZQF Level 7) Bachelor of Engineering Technology (NZQF Level 7) - A Washington Accord or Sydney Accord accredited undergraduate (initial) degree (listed – see Note 3) - A qualification comparable to NZQF Level 7 or higher, with a letter from Engineering New Zealand certifying that the degree and any further learning meet the benchmark requirements towards Chartered Professional Engineer professional status in New Zealand - NZ registration as a Chartered Professional Engineer by Engineering New Zealand AND a minimum of three years' relevant post-qualification work experience Finance / Business Procurement Manager (133612) One of the following, awarded by the United Kingdom Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply (CIPS): - CIPS Level 6 Graduate Diploma in Purchasing and Supply (Professional Stage) - CIPS Level 6 Graduate Diploma in Purchasing and Supply - CIPS Level 6 Professional Diploma in Procurement and Supply AND a minimum of five years' relevant work experience Health and Social Services Clinical Psychologist (272311) NZ registration with the New Zealand Psychologists Board (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: Post Graduate Diploma, Master degree or Doctor of Clinical Psychology; Master of Clinical Psychology (NZQF Level 9); Master of Applied Psychology (NZQF Level 9); or Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Psychology (NZQF Level 8 ) – see Note 5) Health and Social Services Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist (253917) NZ registration within a relevant provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (NZQF Level 7) – see Note 5) Health and Social Services General Practitioner (253111) NZ registration within a relevant provisional general, general, provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (NZQF Level 7) – see Note 5) Health and Social Services Medical Radiation Therapist (251212) NZ registration in the scope of practice as a Radiation Therapist with the Medical Radiation Technologists Board (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or higher qualification, which includes the requirements of a major in Medical Imaging or Radiation Therapy – see Note 5) Health and Social Services Medical Laboratory Scientist – including Cytotechnologist (Cytoscientist) (234611) NZ registration in the scope of practice as a Medical Laboratory Scientist by the Medical Sciences Council of New Zealand (A qualification in this area of absolute skill shortage is: Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (NZQF Level 7) – see Note 5) Health and Social Services Obstetrician and Gynaecologist (253913) NZ registration within a relevant provisional general or general scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (NZQF Level 7) – see Note 5) Health and Social Services Physicist (Medical) (234914) One of the following: - Certification by the Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers (ACPSEM) in Medicine as a Medical Physicist - Registration or eligibility for registration on the ACPSEM Register of Qualified Medical Physics Specialists - Registration as a Clinical Scientist with the Health and Care Professions Council, United Kingdom and Membership of the Institute of Physics and Engineering Medicine, United Kingdom - Certification as a Medical Physicist by the American Board of Radiology in Medical Physics - Certification of Competence in Clinical Medical Physics as a Member of the Canadian College of Physics in Medicine Health and Social Services Physiotherapist (252511) NZ registration as a physiotherapist in the general scope of practice or the specialist scope of practice with the Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or higher qualification, which includes the requirements of a major in– see Note 5) Health and Social Services Psychiatrist (253411) NZ registration within a relevant provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (NZQF Level 7) – see Note 5) Health and Social Services Registered Nurse (Aged Care) (254412) NZ Registration in the scope of practice as a Registered Nurse with the Nursing Council of New Zealand AND a minimum of three years’ work experience in adult hospital care Health and Social Services Sonographer (251214) NZ registration in the scope of practice as a Sonographer with the Medical Radiation Technologists Board (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or higher qualification, which includes the requirements of a major in Medical Imaging or Radiation Therapy – see Note 5) Health and Social Services Specialist Physician in Palliative Medicine (253399) NZ registration within a relevant provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (NZQF Level 7) – see Note 5) Health and Social Services Surgeon (General) (253511) NZ registration within a relevant provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (NZQF Level 7) – see Note 5) Health and Social Services Veterinarian (234711) NZ registration with the Veterinary Council of New Zealand. (A qualification in this area of absolute skill shortage is: Bachelor of Veterinary Science (NZQF Level 7) – see Note 5) ICT, Electronics and Telecommunications Multimedia Specialist (Film Animator) (261211) A minimum of five years specialist work experience in film animation using Maya and/or at least one of the following - Soft Image/ XSI, 3D Studio Max, Photoshop, NUKE, MARI, Python, PyQT, or Unity; including at least three years using Maya ICT, Electronics and Telecommunications ICT Project Manager (135112), Organisation and Methods Analyst (224712), ICT Business Analyst (261111), Systems Analyst (261112), Multimedia Specialist (261211), Web Developer (261212), Analyst Programmer (261311), Developer Programmer (261312), Software Engineer (261313), Software Tester (261314), Software and Applications Programmers nec (261399), Database Administrator One of the following: - Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (Computer Engineering) or (Computer and Electronic Engineering) or (Computer Systems Engineering) or (Electronic Engineering) or (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) or (Electronics and Communication Engineering) or (Electronics and Computer Engineering) or (Electronic/s and Computer Systems Engineering) or (Network Engineering) or (Software Engineering) (NZQF Level 8 ) - Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences (Honours) (NZQF Level 8 ) - Bachelor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences with Honours (NZQF Level 8 ) - Bachelor of Electronic Commerce with Honours (NZQF Level 8 ) - Bachelor of Information Sciences with Honours (NZQF Level 8 ) - Bachelor of Software and Information Technology with Honours (NZQF Level 8 ) - Bachelor in Computer Generated Imagery (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Animation (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Applied Information Systems (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Applied Information Technology (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Applied Management - Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Computer and Information Services (NZQF Level 7) (262111), ICT Security Specialist (262112), Systems Administrator (262113), Computer Network and Systems Engineer (263111), Network Administrator (263112), ICT Quality Assurance Engineer (263211), ICT Support Engineer (263212), ICT Systems Test Engineer (263213), ICT Support and Test Engineers nec (263299), Telecommunications Engineer (263311), Telecommunications Network Engineer (263312), ICT Customer Support Officer (313112) - Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Computing (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Computing Systems (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Computing, Communications and Technology (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Creative Software (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Digital Technologies (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Electronic Commerce (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Information & Communication Technologies (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Information Sciences (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Information Technology (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Software and Information Technology (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Software Engineering (Game Programming) (NZQF Level 7) - A bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or a higher qualification with a minimum equivalent of 360 credits, which includes the requirements of a New Zealand major in one of the following focus areas: Business Information Systems, Computational Intelligence, Computational Modelling, Computer and Electronic Engineering, Computer and Information Science, Computer and Mobile Systems Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks, Computer Science, Computer Systems, Database Architecture, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Electronics, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Computer Systems, Electronic Engineering, Information and Communications Technology, Information Management, Information Science, Information Security, Information Systems, Information Technology, Internet Technology, IT Service Science, Multi-Media, Multi-Media and Web Development, Networks, Network and Communication Engineering, Networks and Security, Network Engineering, Programming, Software and Information Technology, Software Development, Software Engineering, Systems Design, Systems Development, or Telecommunications - A Seoul Accord accredited undergraduate (initial) degree (listed - see Note 3) - A qualification comparable to NZQF Level 7 or higher, with a letter from IT Professionals New Zealand certifying that the applicant’s degree and any further learning meet the educational requirements towards Chartered IT Professional New Zealand status AND a minimum of three years' relevant post-qualification work experience. Recreation, Hospitality and Tourism Chef (Chef de Partie or higher) (351311) A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of a New Zealand Certificate in Cookery (Level 4) AND a minimum of five years' combined experience in establishments offering a la carte/ banqueting or commercial catering, with a minimum of two years at Chef de Partie (Section Leader) level or higher Science Other Spatial Scientist (232214) A bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or a higher qualification with the minimum equivalent of 360 credits, which includes the requirements of a New Zealand major in the focus areas of computer science or geography AND a minimum of two years' relevant post-qualification work experience in GIS applications (Key Application/ Systems include: ESRI – ARC/GIS; ARC/INFO ARC/SDE; Intergraph GeoMedia; Pitney Bowes MapInfo; GE Smallworld; Oracle Spatial; PostGIS/Postgres; MS SQL Server 2008; Bentley Maps, Geographic; Erdas; Geoserver; Safe FME) Science Environmental Research Scientist (234313) A bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or a higher qualification with the minimum equivalent of 360 credits, which includes the requirements of a New Zealand major in the focus areas of environmental studies, environmental management, or environmental engineering AND a minimum of one year’s relevant post-qualification work experience Science Food Technologist (234212) One of the following qualifications: - Bachelor of Food Technology with Honours (Food Product Technology) or ( Food Process Engineering) (NZQF Level 8 ) - A bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or a higher qualification with the minimum equivalent of 360 credits, which includes the requirements of a New Zealand major in the focus areas of nutrition or food science AND a minimum of three years’ relevant post-qualification work experience in the industry Trades Automotive Electrician (321111) A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of one of the strands of the New Zealand Certificate in Automotive Electrical Engineering (NZQF Level 4) Trades Diesel Motor Mechanic (including Heavy Vehicle Inspector) (321212) A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of the New Zealand Certificate in Heavy Automotive Engineering (NZQF Level 4) AND a minimum of three years' relevant post-qualification work experience Trades Electrician (General) (341111) NZ registration as an electrician or a limited certificate as an electrician from the Electrical Workers Registration Board Trades Electric Line Mechanic (342211) NZ registration as a line mechanic or a limited certificate as a line mechanic from the Electrical Workers Registration Board Note 1: Qualifications listed (unless an exception is stated) are New Zealand awarded qualifications on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF). Overseas qualifications must be comparable to the standard of the New Zealand qualification listed. Unless an overseas qualification is listed on the Immigration New Zealand List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment (Appendix 3) an International Qualification Assessment (IQA) from the New Zealand Qualifications Authority stating the comparable NZQF qualification is required. Note 2: Where post-qualification work experience is included as a requirement it applies to all qualifications listed for the occupation (unless otherwise indicated). Note 3: Where a Washington Accord accredited undergraduate engineering degree is a requirement, the engineering degree has to be awarded from or after the date the country became a signatory, and must be on the list of accredited programmes of the signatory country. To determine if an engineering degree awarded is Washington Accord accredited, please refer to the links from the International Engineering Alliance on their website. Where a Sydney Accord accredited undergraduate engineering degree is a requirement, the engineering technology degree has to be awarded from or after the date the country became a signatory, and must be on the list of accredited programmes of the signatory country. To determine if an engineering technology degree awarded is Sydney Accord accredited, please refer to the links from the International Engineering Alliance on their website. Where a Seoul Accord accredited undergraduate IT degree is a requirement, the IT degree has to be awarded from or after the date the country became a signatory, and must be on the list of accredited programmes of the signatory country. To determine if an IT degree awarded is Seoul Accord accredited, please refer to the following link. Note 4: Qualifications held by applicants claiming points based on this list under the Skilled Migrant Category must be recognised under the Skilled Migrant Category. Note 5: Where New Zealand registration is specified as a requirement and states “a qualification(s) in this area ofabsolute skill shortage is/are”, a person only needs to hold the particular New Zealand registration and to haveundertaken any necessary work experience in order to meet the requirements of the List. In these cases, qualifications are listed only for the purposes of people applying for work visas under WF4.1. Note 6: A letter, certificate or registration from the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand Incorporated (IPENZ), as Engineering New Zealand was formerly known, may be used to meet the requirement for a letter, certificate or registration from Engineering New Zealand. A letter from IPENZ may also be used to meet an applicable requirement instead of a letter from IT Professionals New Zealand. IPENZ’s name changed to Engineering New Zealand in October2017.
    1 point
  26. Пересмотренный Long Term Skill Shortage List, действительный с 19 февраля 2018. Long Term Skill Shortage List – February 2018 Construction Construction Project Manager (Roading and Infrastructure) (133111) One of the following: - Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (Civil Engineering) (NZQF Level) - Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering) (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Highways Engineering) (NZQF Level 7) - A bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or a higher qualification with the minimum equivalent of 360 credits, which includes the requirements of a New Zealand major in the focus areas of construction management or highway engineering - A Graduate Diploma at NZQF Level 7, or a higher qualification which includes the knowledge requirements of a New Zealand Graduate Diploma in the focus areas of construction management, highway engineering or construction project management - A diploma at NZQF Level 6, or a higher qualification, with the minimum equivalent of 240 credits, which includes the knowledge requirements of a New Zealand Diploma in the focus areas of civil engineering, highway engineering or construction management - A Washington Accord or Sydney Accord accredited undergraduate (initial) engineering degree in Civil Engineering (listed - see Note 3) - A qualification at NZQF Level 7 or higher, with a letter from Engineering New Zealand certifying that the degree and any further learning meet the benchmark requirements towards Chartered Professional Engineer professional status in New Zealand - NZ registration in the field of civil engineering as a Chartered Professional Engineer or an Engineering Technologist by Engineering New Zealand AND a minimum of five years' relevant post-qualification work experience Construction Project Builder (including Building Project Manager and Site Foreman) (133112) One of the following qualifications: - A bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or a higher qualification with the minimum equivalent of 360 credits, which includes the requirements of a New Zealand major in quantity surveying or construction economics - A Graduate Diploma at NZQF Level 7, or a higher qualification, which includes the knowledge requirements of a New Zealand Graduate Diploma in the focus areas of construction, construction management or construction project management - A diploma at NZQF Level 6, or a higher qualification, with the minimum equivalent of 240 credits, which includes the knowledge requirements of a New Zealand Diploma (Level 6) in the focus areas of quantity surveying, construction economics, construction management or building AND a minimum of three years’ relevant post-qualification work experience Construction Quantity Surveyor (233213) One of the following: - A bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or a higher qualification with the minimum equivalent of 360 credits, which includes the requirements of a New Zealand major in quantity surveying or construction economics - Student or Affiliate Membership, or MNZIQS, of the New Zealand Institute of Quantity Surveyors (with an overseas degree approved by NZIQS) AND a minimum of three years’ relevant post-qualification work experience Construction Surveyor (232212) One of the following: - Bachelor of Surveying (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Surveying with Honours (NZQF Level 8 ) - Registration as a Professional Surveyor with the New Zealand Institute of Surveyors - Professional Associate Membership or an Overseas Member of the New Zealand Institute of Surveyors (with an overseas degree approved by NZIS) Engineering Chemical Engineer (233111), Materials Engineer (233112), Civil Engineer (233211), Geotechnical Engineer (233212), Structural Engineer (233214), Electrical Engineer (233311), Electronics Engineer (233411), Industrial Engineer (233511), Mechanical Engineer (233512), Production or Plant Engineer (233513), Environmental Engineer (233915), Engineering Professionals nec (233999) One of the following: - A Washington Accord accredited (initial) engineering degree (listed - see Note 3) - A Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (NZQF Level) - A qualification at NZQF Level 7 or higher, with a letter from Engineering New Zealand certifying that the degree and any further learning meet the benchmark requirements towards Chartered Professional Engineer professional status in New Zealand - NZ registration as a Chartered Professional Engineer by Engineering New Zealand. Engineering Civil Engineering Technician (312212) One of the following: - Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering) (NZQF Level 7) - A diploma at NZQF Level 6, or a higher qualification, with the minimum equivalent of 240 credits, which includes the knowledge requirements of the New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Civil) (Level 6) - A Washington Accord or Sydney Accord accredited undergraduate (initial) engineering degree in Civil Engineering (listed - see Note 3) - A qualification at NZQF Level 7 or higher, with a letter from Engineering New Zealand certifying that the degree and any further learning meet the benchmark requirements towards Chartered Professional Engineer status in New Zealand - NZ registration in the field of Civil Engineering as a Chartered Professional Engineer or as an Engineering Technologist by Engineering New Zealand AND a minimum of three years’ work experience including a minimum of 12 months' relevant post-qualification work experience in the past 18 months Engineering Electrical Engineering Technician (312312) One of the following: - Bachelor's degree in Engineering with Honours (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) (NZQF Level 8 ) - Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electrical Engineering) (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) (NZQF Level 7) - A Washington Accord or Sydney Accord accredited undergraduate (initial) engineering degree in Electrical Engineering (listed - see Note 3) - A qualification at NZQF Level 7 or higher, with a letter from Engineering New Zealand certifying that the degree and any further learning meet the benchmark requirements towards Chartered Professional Engineer professional status in New Zealand - NZ registration in the field of Electrical Engineering as a Chartered Professional Engineer or as an Engineering Technologist by Engineering New Zealand AND a minimum of three years’ relevant post-qualification work experience Engineering Electronic Engineering Technician (312412) One of the following: - A bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or a higher qualification with the minimum equivalent of 360 credits, which includes the requirements of a New Zealand major in electronics - A diploma at NZQF Level 6, or a higher qualification, with the minimum equivalent of 240 credits, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of the New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Level 6) Electronic Engineering - Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electronic Engineering) or (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) (NZQF Level 7) - Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Electronic Engineering, or Electrical and Electronic Engineering (NZQF Level 8 ) - A Washington Accord or a Sydney Accord accredited undergraduate (initial) engineering degree in Electronic Engineering (listed - see Note 3) - A qualification at NZQF Level 7 or higher, with a letter from Engineering New Zealand certifying that the degree and any further learning meet the benchmark requirements towards Chartered Professional Engineer professional status in New Zealand - NZ registration in the field of Electronic Engineering or Electrical and Electronic Engineering as a Chartered Professional Engineer or an Engineering Technologist by Engineering New Zealand AND a minimum of three years’ work experience AND a minimum of 12 months' relevant post-qualification work experience in the last 18 months Finance / Business Procurement Manager (133612) One of the following, awarded by the United Kingdom Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply (CIPS): - CIPS Level 6 Graduate Diploma in Purchasing and Supply (Professional Stage) - CIPS Level 6 Graduate Diploma in Purchasing and Supply - CIPS Level 6 Professional Diploma in Procurement and Supply AND a minimum of five years' relevant work experience Health and Social Services Clinical Psychologist (272311) NZ registration with the New Zealand Psychologists Board (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: Post Graduate Diploma, Master degree or Doctor of Clinical Psychology; Master of Psychology (NZQF Level 9); or Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology (NZQF Level 8 ) – see Note 5) Health and Social Services Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist (253917) NZ registration within a relevant provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (NZQF Level 7) – see Note 5) Health and Social Services General Practitioner (253111) NZ registration within a relevant provisional general, general, provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (NZQF Level 7) – see Note 5) Health and Social Services Medical Radiation Therapist (251212) NZ registration in the scope of practice as a Radiation Therapist with the Medical Radiation Technologists Board (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or higher qualification, which includes the requirements of a major in Medical Imaging or Radiation Therapy – see Note 5) Health and Social Services Medical Laboratory Scientist – including Cytotechnologist (Cytoscientist) (234611) NZ registration in the scope of practice as a Medical Laboratory Scientist by the Medical Sciences Council of New Zealand (A qualification in this area of absolute skill shortage is: Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (NZQF Level 7) – see Note 5) Health and Social Services Obstetrician and Gynaecologist (253913) NZ registration within a relevant provisional general or general scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (NZQF Level 7) – see Note 5) Health and Social Services Physicist (Medical) (234914) One of the following: - Certification by the Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers (ACPSEM) in Medicine as a Medical Physicist - Registration or eligibility for registration on the ACPSEM Register of Qualified Medical Physics Specialists - Registration as a Clinical Scientist with the Health and Care Professions Council, United Kingdom and Membership of the Institute of Physics and Engineering Medicine, United Kingdom - Certification as a Medical Physicist by the American Board of Radiology in Medical Physics - Certification of Competence in Clinical Medical Physics as a Member of the Canadian College of Physics in Medicine Health and Social Services Physiotherapist (252511) NZ registration as a physiotherapist in the general scope of practice or the specialist scope of practice with the Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or higher qualification, which includes the requirements of a major in Physiotherapy – see Note 5) Health and Social Services Psychiatrist (253411) NZ registration within a relevant provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (NZQF Level 7) – see Note 5) Health and Social Services Sonographer (251214) NZ registration in the scope of practice as a Sonographer with the Medical Radiation Technologists Board (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or higher qualification, which includes the requirements of a major in Medical Imaging or Radiation Therapy – see Note 5) Health and Social Services Specialist Physician in Palliative Medicine (253399) NZ registration within a relevant provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (NZQF Level 7) – see Note 5) Health and Social Services Surgeon (General) (253511) NZ registration within a relevant provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (NZQF Level 7) – see Note 5) Health and Social Services Veterinarian (234711) NZ registration with the Veterinary Council of New Zealand. (A qualification in this area of absolute skill shortage is: Bachelor of Veterinary Science (NZQF Level 7) – see Note 5) ICT, Electronics and Telecommunications Multimedia Specialist (Film Animator) (261211) A minimum of five years specialist work experience in film animation using Maya and/or at least one of the following - Soft Image/ XSI, 3D Studio Max, Photoshop, NUKE, MARI, Python, PyQT, or Unity; including at least three years using Maya ICT, Electronics and Telecommunications ICT Project Manager (135112), Organisation and Methods Analyst (224712), ICT Business Analyst (261111), Systems Analyst (261112), Multimedia Specialist (261211), Web Developer (261212), Analyst Programmer (261311), Developer Programmer (261312), Software Engineer (261313), Software Tester (261314), Software and Applications Programmers nec (261399), Database Administrator (262111), ICT Security Specialist (262112), Systems Administrator (262113), Computer Network and Systems Engineer (263111), Network Administrator (263112), ICT Quality Assurance Engineer (263211), ICT Support Engineer (263212), ICT Systems Test Engineer (263213), ICT Support and Test Engineers nec (263299), Telecommunications Engineer (263311), Telecommunications Network Engineer (263312), ICT Customer Support Officer (313112) One of the following: - Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (Computer Engineering) or (Computer and Electronic Engineering) or (Computer Systems Engineering) or (Electronic Engineering) or (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) or (Electronics and Communication Engineering) or (Electronics and Computer Engineering) or (Electronic/s and Computer Systems Engineering) or (Network Engineering) or (Software Engineering) (NZQF Level 8 ) - A bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or a higher qualification with a minimum equivalent of 360 credits, which includes the requirements of a New Zealand major in one of the following focus areas: Business Information Systems, Computational Intelligence, Computational Modelling, Computer and Electronic Engineering, Computer and Information Science, Computer and Mobile Systems Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks, Computer Science, Computer Systems, Database Architecture, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Electronics, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Computer Systems, Electronic Engineering, Information and Communications Technology, Information Management, Information Science, Information Security, Information Systems, Information Technology, Internet Technology, IT Service Science, Multi-Media, Multi-Media and Web Development, Networks, Network and Communication Engineering, Networks and Security, Network Engineering, Programming, Software and Information Technology, Software Development, Software Engineering, Systems Design, Systems Development, or Telecommunications - A Seoul Accord or Washington Accord or Sydney Accord accredited undergraduate (initial) degree (listed - see Note 3) - A qualification at NZQF Level 7 or higher, with a letter from IT Professionals New Zealand certifying that the degree and any further learning meet the benchmark requirements towards Chartered IT Professional New Zealand status AND a minimum of three years' relevant post-qualification work experience. Recreation, Hospitality and Tourism Chef (Chef de Partie or higher) (351311) A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of a New Zealand Certificate in Cookery (Level 4) AND a minimum of five years' combined experience in establishments offering a la carte/ banqueting or commercial catering, with a minimum of two years at Chef de Partie (Section Leader) level or higher Science Other Spatial Scientist (232214) A bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or a higher qualification with the minimum equivalent of 360 credits, which includes the requirements of a New Zealand major in the focus areas of computer science or geography AND a minimum of two years' relevant post-qualification work experience in GIS applications (Key Application/ Systems include: ESRI – ARC/GIS; ARC/INFO ARC/SDE; Intergraph GeoMedia; Pitney Bowes MapInfo; GE Smallworld; Oracle Spatial; PostGIS/Postgres; MS SQL Server 2008; Bentley Maps, Geographic; Erdas; Geoserver; Safe FME) Science Environmental Research Scientist (234313) A bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or a higher qualification with the minimum equivalent of 360 credits, which includes the requirements of a New Zealand major in the focus areas of environmental studies, environmental management, or environmental engineering AND a minimum of one year’s relevant post-qualification work experience Science Food Technologist (234212) One of the following qualifications: - Bachelor of Food Technology with Honours (Food Product Technology) or ( Food Process Engineering) (NZQF Level 8 ) - A bachelor's degree at NZQF Level 7, or a higher qualification with the minimum equivalent of 360 credits, which includes the requirements of a New Zealand major in the focus areas of nutrition or food science AND a minimum of three years’ relevant post-qualification work experience in the industry Trades Automotive Electrician (321111) A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of one of the strands of the New Zealand Certificate in Automotive Electrical Engineering (Level 4) Trades Diesel Motor Mechanic (including Heavy Vehicle Inspector) (321212) A certificate at NZQF Level 4, or a higher qualification, which includes the credit and knowledge requirements of the New Zealand Certificate in Heavy Automotive Engineering (Level 4) AND a minimum of three years' relevant post-qualification work experience Trades Electrician (General) (341111) NZ registration as an electrician or a limited certificate as an electrician from the Electrical Workers Registration Board Trades Electric Line Mechanic (342211) NZ registration as a line mechanic or a limited certificate as a line mechanic from the Electrical Workers Registration Board
    1 point
  27. я читала, что если обратишься в ОАЭ в клинику по причине беременности, а ты не в браке со своим парнем, то могут посадить в тюрьму. Это правда?
    1 point
  28. Зависит от серьезности болезни. Если у ребенка "температура" или "простуда", то никто к ниму приходить не будет - сидишь дома пока не выздоровеешь и потом догоняешь, пропущенное. Все.
    1 point
  29. Подскажите пожалуйста, если ребенок какое-то время не может посещать школу по причине болезни, занятия проходят по скайпу или учителя приезжают на дом?
    1 point
  30. И так и сяк. Обычно учителя сами рекомендуют индивидуальный учебный план, если ребенок не справляется. Но тут еще многое зависит от самой школы. Если рук не хватает - могут просто оставить вместе с остальными детьми - чтобы превознемогал, пока не выровнеется со всеми.
    1 point
  31. Очень интересная тема у вас,но я немного недопоняла) Математика, изо и подобные предметы понятно, что ребенок учил подобное в рос. школе,а с английским то как быть? Тут взрослые годами язык учат,а когда приезжают, у них шок и языковой барьер ,а ребенок то откуда знает иностранный язык? Как ведется преподавание у детей иммигрантов?
    1 point
  32. Как всегда: врачи, инженеры, повар и пара электриков...
    0 points
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